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Intentional Creativity® Guardian Certification Training

Applications are Due TODAY, July 15th at midnight PT

Join our cohort starting September 1, 2023.

Submit Your Application!

Join a Mystery School for Mystics, Misfits and Messengers

ORIGINS Intentional Creativity© Guardian Training is for those in the fields of Helping, Healing, Holding and Mending with Soul, Self, Client, Community and Earth.

You are someone who Desires to:

  • Guide others in Soul Repair and Recovery through liberating Self-Expression leading to increased freedom and embodiment....
  • Desires to practice step-by-step proven processes and develop your own Curriculum so that you can reveal a more authentic and exciting relationship with Soul, Spirit, Psyche and Sensuality
  • Excited to discover a pathway to repair access to the Voice of the Soul through Consciousness so that you can becoming a Co-Creator with Earth, Ancestors, Our Origins and One Another
  • You feel a longing to be in communion with those on the path who are doing their own work to heal, become and guide, so that you are truly in a circle peers.

    And of course, you get a Certification to teach what you learn! You can begin to apply the teachings IMMEDIATELY upon entering the training.

    This is an invitation to come home to your own Soul Space, Engage with your Spirit and inhabit your physical body Soma with a refreshed Path of Practice.

Watch the Invocation for Origins which creates a context for our

work together

In Relationship with Creation by Curate Shiloh Sophia

Intentional Creativity® Guardian Training 2023

Starting September 1 for 6 Months.
Teachings will be delivered live - virtually with
optional live-in person Sonoma CA Retreats!

Apply now through July 15.
Only 10 spots left.

Once you apply you will secure an Interview with MUSEA Founders, Shiloh Sophia & Jonathan McCloud for early August.

Origins is a Clear Pathway to Co-Creating
a Culture of Conscious Evolution

To care for the Earth, the cosmos, and ourselves, we are called to become aware of the context in which we live our lives and our design as humans.

Origins offers an experience of the greater context and invites a path of aliveness in relationship with all of life.

Self-leadership leads to leadership in the village.


with Earth and all CREATION.

ORIGINS acknowledges that everything we truly need has been provided by the Source of Grace and each one of us can gain access to the hidden powers within humanity that have been forgotten by most of us.

As a Guardian of the Sacred Teachings of the Constellation of Being, You will Experience and then Learn to Guide

The Invitation to ORIGINS Training is to become Conscious Co-creators!

Join us to guide yourself and others in experiencing the full aliveness of being a human being! We are multi-faceted miracles with clear maps to how we are designed. We will teach you one of the most essential maps so that you can gain access to your truest essence of self, voice and life.

You are invited to a six-month journey in the ORIGINS Certification Training to become an Intentional Creativity Guardian. This is a hybrid Live-Virtual experience with optional Live-On-Location Training Retreats at the MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity campus and ranch in Sonoma, California, and at Wild Water Creek on the sacred Sonoma Mountain
November 2023

StarSong .:=:. Soul, Sun & Sound

February 2024
LunaMateria .:=:. Intuition, Matter & Moon

May 2024
PetraGlyph .:=:. Gnosis, Stone & Star 

August 2024  
AquaTerra .:=:. Wellness, Water & Earth

The Promise of the Content
is to Create a Context for Co-Creators:

Revealing Who You Are
and Why You Are Here

Engaging with your truest, clearest Soul

Mending your Relationship between
Spirit, Body, Earth

Guiding Sacred Teaching Journeys
through Creativity

Teaching Conscious Evolution Step-by-Step

Developing Medicine Painting for Your Field

Becoming a Guardian of The 13 Powers

Experience the aliveness of Co-Creation

Create and teach EPIC Medicine Paintings

Learn to live from your Soul's Purpose in this incarnation - so that there is joy on the journey of participating in the beauty of creation. You have sacred work and sacred teachings to share. The teachings we share with you are to catalyze your own offering!

With the Intentional Creativity® approach we journey INTO the layers of the painitng.
This is a layer from TEMPO, our last 6 month course.

The Mystical and Practical
How Humans Are Designed

Together we will explore the domain of the Soul. By experiencing and repairing our relationships through the Powers of the Human Being. Most of us weren't taught about these powers in our homes, schools, temples, or workplaces. Any teaching on the design of humans we received, was likely through a narrow dogmatic framework.

THERE ARE MAPS to the innate human faculties and capacities and IT ISN'T a MYSTERY. Yet it is MYSTICAL AND PRACTICAL.

The knowledge of what it means to be a human in your relationship with creation, should not be kept secret. However we do want to guard it, hence Guardians.
This is not to keep people out, it is so that power-over structures do not keep us from knowing what we know and being who we are BEING. We can remember who we are and There is a process. Know that the outcomes of awakening are phenomenal and achievable. In the timeline of creation, the innate Nature-based wisdom of human beings has been silenced, over and over. As Guardians, we are committed to gaining access and making it available for future generations.

Part of our theory is that the Soul knows about the Soma and the Soma spends its life cycles 'growing up'. Trying to be with Soul, to remember Soul, and to bring Soul to Earth. Yet Soul is already always here. Soul’s capacity to clearly communicate and message the identity inhabiting the Soma is limited. Limited by our own experience, self-expression, and the domain of will. We can't hear our own voice, this is a HUGE problem that we CAN REPAIR.

Will we choose to inhabit and integrate the domain of Soul into our lives? How do we engage in this practice? And why might it be worth it to us? 

We believe that Intentional Creativity, making art with intention as you ask these questions, is a key body-based access process, not just mind-based. Waking up to the Innate Faculties of Soul invites the Soma to experience more joy, pleasure, and connection, most of all a sense of purpose and place in co-creation with nature. When we come into wholeness by choice, not by chance, we can contribute to the unfolding story. Becoming an active co-creator, messenger, and partner with the Grace of Source.

Learn to Guide Others in Conscious Evolution.
An Education for All Genders, All Ages, and All Stages

The Vision for Guardian

Through our training in the Archetypal Framework of Guardian, we will become protectors of Earth's knowledge and sacred teachings. learning to
Co-create in collaboration with Creation. We will become the keepers of a pathway of Soul Alignment called the 13 Powers, which offer processes of repair open and available to all. This is a Path of Practice rooted in meditation, creativity, archeology, and activism.

Each Intentional Creativity® Guardian will be given Sacred Teachings to pass on to their own lineage, family, guests, and circles.

The teachings can be shared as weekend workshops or can be spread out over weeks or months. The material is adaptable to in-person or virtual gatherings and can be woven into any existing technology and can be paired with your own field of study. Expanding from a shaman leading journeys in the jungle to a therapist leading transformation from an office. Through a parent with a child who wonders why they are here, to an educator who is developing a curriculum for a new social culture. We are here to expand on what you already know and do.

At MUSEA we are futurists who hold an awareness of the archeo-mythological development of human cultures throughout time. We are gathering those who feel a call to protect. Guardians are often people who are already; healers, teachers, parents, therapists, artists, guides, energy workers, and shamans. Ones who are concerned for our planet, children, and all of life and have a strong call to gather their gifts together on behalf of humanity.

Guardians see the power of every human being to heal and become self-expressed. We have the desire to guide others in Circle, ceremony, and process. We have the vision to become co-creative stewards of nature and creation. Guardians are often carrying a huge amount of personal medicine and experience, and want to translate that into Great Work to be shared in the villages of humanity.

MUSEA has been studying how humans repair and reveal our relationship with the Soul for close to 30 years, with tens of thousands of students. This foundation gives rise to ORIGINS which is our 5th Intentional Creativity® Certification Training.

Intentional Creativity® Mediums, included in ORIGINS are; Movement, Meditation, Metacognitive Drawing, Mother Tongue Writing, and Making Medicine Paintings.


Practicing Students
Those who want to take Origins for your own personal Path of Practice. In this context, you will need to be aware that not every part of the curriculum will apply to you since there are 'teach-the-teacher' parts involved in the curriculum.

Certification Students
Those who are Certifying to learn to teach the material in Origins. You will certify in ALL of the materials you are being guided in. You will be able to guide those you serve in a journey of conscious evolution, paired with your own field of study.

University Students
Those who are active university students studying to be a Curate. Origins offers 9 Academic Credits for this Intentional Creativity Certification Training. You do not need to be part of the MUSEA University Cohort to join Origins.

These critical times are calling us to Unite as an Intentionally caring and imaginative community. To expand into the full power of our Creativity which nourishes our power of choice to liberate Earth’s Creative Voice once and for all. It’s time to Root ourselves in the deep understanding that we are not simply living on Earth. We are Nature, and we belong to and are responsible for our entire family of Earth's ecosystem. All ancient Earth Guardians have always known we are all biologically and spiritually interrelated and when we see ourselves as separate, we miss the magic and wholeness we truly are. The current outdated systemic patterns mankind has crowned as imperial, threaten to destroy the few remaining paradises left on the planet. This means we are destroying our own lungs and heart and it is imperative we Co-create change. The DNA encoded within us as Conscious Evolutionaries is calling us to engage in deep listening, humble discovery, and creative action to develop a more harmonious and reciprocal relationship. A relationship between ourselves, animals, plants, trees, and all living organisms to obtain symbiotic benefits. The preservation of species, the continuation of ancient knowledge & culture, and the protection of our integral thriving ecosystems and finite resources.

~Kathleen Brigidina, Musea’s Visionary Culture Advisor

“Together we must seek the way back to our Sacred Home and empower ourselves with the ethical responsibility of what it means to be human and our enormous mission to care for and protect everything within that great Cosmic Matrix where we find ourselves” ~The Mamos

June 8, 2023

A Message from
Curate Shiloh Sophia
about why we at MUSEA are called to offer ORIGINS and the relevance for our times in the turning of the Great Wheel

Dear One,

Thank you for your curiosity and care. I wish from the depth of my being that my truest loving emotion could come to life on the page as you read. I have been focused on this 'one thing' for 30 years and each training is the culmination of the body of work that is ready to come through and is relevant to what we are navigating in our lives. My very first business tagline was "Art for Evolution" and I don't think that has changed.

Have a question for me? Ask me:

Here at MUSEA we feel that the greatest potential we have for living a life that reflects who we truly are is through Soul Alignment. People that are in alignment with Soul make sounder choices, are intentional about how they live and interact with creation, and have a depth of compassion we so much need in our world right now. People who are in alignment with Soul have become as conscious as they can be in their timeline. When this happens, we also begin to remember more of who we TRULY ARE and can begin to bring that through. Many of my teachings come from rememberings within me.

We need more and more of the wise ones. People who are often called 'old souls' to remember who they are and what they are doing here on the planet at this time. We believe that Intentional Creativity®, and our method of approaching self-expression, leads to soul development in a beautiful, articulate, and very healing journey. Intentional Creativity is simply being mindful of what we make, how we make, and why. It applies to the way we live our lives, the way we love others and love ourselves. As seen through the lens of the art and activism we practice.

When we heal ourselves we can move on and guide to heal others. Within ORIGINS we are motivated to create experiences that facilitate spiritual, psychological, and emotional wellness.

From Wholeness - Let's address the spectrum of human being-ness in a mystical and non-dogmatic framework that gives us access to our innate faculties and capacities.

A SOUL encompasses many facets that most of us haven't even begun to explore. It isn't an intellectual mind-trip. It is a journey of becoming that involves diving into the depth of self-expression and discovering the fullness of ones potentials. All of this only makes sense within the framework of our relationship with creation and our ecosystem.

"Over the past 250 years, humans have exceeded the carrying capacity of Earth and what Earth is able to sustainably support. We, as a collective species, have grown from nearly 1 billion people to 8 billion people in a mere 250 years. As a result of this rapid growth, humans have become fragmented in their own understanding of what it means to be a human. A beautiful and amazing social, cultural, and biological being amidst a world of biodiversity that is of the earth and of the universe."  Annie Melzer, Musea Anthropologist and Origins Staff

Our Hope in Chosen Transformation

We hold true that what is fragmented can be repaired. What is broken can be mended and synthesized such that a whole sovereign person can emerge. That each person accepts themselves to the best of their ability, embraces the unfolding nature of their Great Work, and seeks to be a Guardian of the Sacred Teachings.

ORIGINS offers a body of wisdom about healing the disconnection of
the Spirit and the body through the framework of Soul.

Once we become Guardians of Earth's Sacred Teachings and of our own Innate Wisdom. We are no longer subject in the same way to power-over structures or to a fate outlined for us by others.

When we are in connection with our origins as a species, and we are guided from within, we can begin to hear our own voice. Then from here we can practice Soul Alignment. We are consciously collaborating with the realization of how our unique destiny weaves with the story of the world and all beings.

Soul Recovery does not need to be a mystery or a riddle. Sacred Teachings are often rooted in the basic elemental nature of human beings and becoming conscious of the paths we already travel.

The Potential We See

Soul Alignment is most likely to happen when the Spirit, the Body and the Story they tell, are healed from the disconnection.

The fragmentation brought about by the conditions we experience in everyday life and relationships, begin in our earliest origins and continues throughout our life. Unless we choose otherwise, and when we don't choose, we will continue to wonder. Who we are, where we went wrong, what we can do about it and how can we live our life as LOVE.

We will train you in our step-by-step process that will weave easily with your own methods of pratice, to bring expanded self-expression to those that you work with.

Humanity hasn't been provided with the most basic tools to mend the fragmentation between the fabric of our soul, spirit, and body. ORIGINS focuses on mending the disconnection between field (energy) and form (matter) and invites an expanded state of flow potential. We will show you how. You will show others how. Together we will become the protectors of the future.

We can remember who we are and why we came here. We need a way to process and synthesize this information. Intentional Creativity offers the path.

CURATE Shiloh Sophia has been gathering and codexing this information for 30 years. The Sacred Teachings are about becoming more human and choosing consciousness. Shiloh has been guiding tens of thousands of students into the conscious curation of our identities through the method of Intentional Creativity. The roots of this Matriarchal lineage go back to our ancestors yet in Shiloh's line they go back to the 1930s and have been passed onto her and now will be passed onto you to offer to those you serve.

An Ancient Future Soul by Shiloh Sophia is the most recent painting from our six month course called Tempo.

The Way We Do What We Do and Why

Every Intentional Creativity® Training is a journey to your inner world. To bring that which is within you out through self-expression. We work with the tools of creativity, and that doesn't mean you need to be an artist. Just curiosity is enough!

Thousands upon thousands of people have studied with us with no previous art experience. That said, many artists come through too and find our approach is something they can easily adapt to move from artist to artist educator.

We desire to be a part of facilitating the awakening of consciousness by weaving the teachings of the Ancient Futurists to cause a social transformation. We are all evolving all the time, the questions are...

Will we choose to be a part of it?

Once we say yes, how can we navigate conscious evolution?

How will our own soul journey be revealed in the process?

3 Step-by-Step Guided Sacred Teaching Experiences you will experience and teach.


Transform Your Origin Story A Medicine Painting Journey Through Awakened Imagination to the Creation of the Universe and YOU!

Awakened Archetype

 Elevate Your True Identity

A Medicine Painting Journey towards Inhabiting Who You Are So You can Claim What You are on Earth to Create!

13 Soul

Mending Spirit and Soma

A Medicine Painting Journey to repair the fragmented relationship between your Spirit and Your Soma (body)!

Imagine Sharing these Gifts With Your Village, Tribe, Council, Family, or Circles that you Serve.

Creative, Nourishing Processes for Everyone

You will experience these processes yourself personally while knowing that you will be teaching this to others transpersonally. These are potent tools I have taught many times in different ways and for those you teach it is designed to be offered as a weekend workshop - roughly 10-12 hours of painting - it can also be taught over a month with 4, 3-hour sessions. Or in private client/coaching settings over 10-12 sessions. You can use this specific title and teach it as I taught it to you - OR innovate the process in your own way and change it to weave with your own technology.

Care for Creation Curriculum
Forming the SOUL Fabric
between the Spirit Field and Somatic Form

Through our Care for Creation Curriculum, we will train you to guide others to:

  • Experience recovery of the innate powers of the Soul within the Soma
  • Mend the fragmentation of the internal Voice through Consciousness
  • Embody the fullest capacity of Identity available beyond Personality
  • Cultivate the depths of Imagination and liberating Self-expression
  • Connect with our place in nature and our beginnings as a species
  • Medicine Painting as a Pathway of Access to Insight and Illumination

The Sacred Teachings Include

of Grace

The philosophy we teach about the exquisite design of humanity, our relationship with nature and
co-creation. Collaborating with the life-force that has been in flow for 13 billion years.

of Being

Learn the Soul Alignment process through The 13 Powers that are innate in every single human being, how to mend them and embody them. Experience the teachings and then share them.


Experience liberating Self-Expression for Soul Revealing Discovery. A proven 9 Step process for self-healing that can be used again and again. Experience it and then teach it in your own way.


As a community we have moved out of dominant paradigm and we are co-creating a new social culture of inter-connection. See who we have been in the past, where we are and the future we are calling in.

At the heart of our teaching is a desire to make a contribution to creation and humanity. We are all (almost) concerned about the future and climate change. Adding in the dangers we are facing in our lives, and yet to create the solutions we need, we must be AWAKE ENOUGH to create the evolution revolution! Species are going extinct. Languages are going extinct. Mental health is a crisis. You hear about all of it and we can do something about it. First, we need to wake up, then gather the others to wake up and join us.

We feel we have discovered some essential missing pieces in education to becoming a full human being. They aren't mysteries and they aren't riddles. It's just that not many of us have been talking about them in one place, or in an accessible way that reaches across cultures and traditions, relevant to our times. Sacred Teachings do not have to be dogmatic and rigid, they are more like portals of possibillity to explore and determine for yourself.

The Benefits of Soul Alignment

What happens when we are able to listen to our voice?

What changes when I have clear access to my consciousness?

What happens when my spirit actually feels connected to my body?

What happens when I can shape my own consciousness?

  • You have access to MORE of the fullness of who you are.
  • Your own innate sense of knowing and direction is available to you.
  • You aren't taken in or under by the pressures of people around you.
  • You feel a level of peace and joy you haven't felt before.
  • You are called to guide and support others in their healing journey.
  • You are on purpose and living into your great work!

We Are Calling A Gathering of The Ancient-Futurists.

Gather to create Sacred Art and Story
Re-weave our Relationship with our Origins.

Let's pass on the Sacred Teachings of our Lineage, from hand to hand and heart to heart.

Curate Shiloh Sophia shares some of the Philosophy of the Origins Training

The Origins of Being Codex is an invitation to explore how we exist and what choices we have in navigating the story of being human. It addresses the Powers and Faculties of the Soul and Soma, and our Connection to Source as well as to Cycles in the physical world. It is a model which can work within any chosen conception of Source. This is a template with only part of the teachings included here. There are many more layers which we will show you as Guardians.


The 13 Powers is a template centering on the whole human being with a whole embodied experience.

The Origins of Being Codex is an invitation to explore how we exist and what choices we have in navigating the story of being human.

The primary part of the map consists of the Powers that are connected with a human soul and soma. These Powers exist as Faculties of the Soul and Capacities of Soma within a context of incarnation - which is the intersection of Soul and Soma where our human experience takes place.

In the Codex there is a distinction between Source and Cycles. Source means the All, the Creator, Universal Life-Force. Source catalyzes Cycles as an expression of itself in the form of earth, creatures, humans, and the finite. Source is in the entire framework of the Origins of Being and so are Cycles. We as human beings are more aware of Cycles that occur on Earth and in the Stars along with in our aging process as humans. Many stories within a diversity of cultural contexts tells creation stories about what Source is and they are different all over the world. Whatever Source is for you is fine with us, as long as we can acknowledge there is a SOURCE and the LOVE is at the Center of All Choices. We have designed the model so that it can work with any chosen context, culture or conception about what Source is and how we practice together. In other words, you can come from any spiritual tradition and find value in this approach.

We Have Sounded an Invocation
to Summon the Messengers
to Open
The Evolution of Consciousness
as A Chosen Path of Practice
to go
Through the Soul to Embody our Soma
We, Beings of Stardust, Saltwater, Sacred Soil, Sunshine, and Moonglow, are Gathering to go from Soul to Embodied
to summon an ancient and futuristic
Creation Story

A longing for True Self-Leadership
Leads to Collaboration with Powerful
Co-Creatives and Hearing One's Own Voice

Leaning into Increased Awareness

We Trust Our Own Experience as a Way of Knowing through Direct Experience

Accessing Scientific and Cultural Knowledge

To form a basis for understanding the biological and archeomythological origins of humanity

We Invite Relatedness
Through a Chosen Lineage of Connection
with all of Creation and the Cura Council

A Summons To the Inner Self and Inner Space

That We Have Looked for
All Our Lives has been heard by many of us...

Have You heard the Call?
The drums are beating and beckoning
Our hearts are beating and beckoning

We are Arriving and Becoming.
This is our time.

Come paint, pray, play, express, and create a lived practice.

"Guardian" by Sue Hoya Sellar

Community Gathering at Musea Sonoma in May, 2023

"Let's gather one another into our wholeness.
Let's meet in the quantum commons to mend the fabric of creation.
Let's share stories and find our common threads"

~ Shiloh Sophia

Are you awake to all that your Soul is available for?

Are you as embodied as your Soma (body) is inviting you to be?

Are you as present in your Spirit as you can be?

Are you fully inhabiting your identity in your personal, professional, and purposeful projects?

Can you hear your own true voice clearly?

Are you called to consciously live your life through daily intentional practice and teach others to do the same?

Do you long for an even deeper connection to your own story and your whole self - and then to share it with others?

Together, by choice, we are moving into Co-Creation and Power and
Away from Force and Power-Over Structures.

Doesn't it sound inspiring and invigorating to create conscious evolution through self-expression?

Painting. Drawing. Writing. Walking. Imagining.
Nature. Gnosis. Mythology. Activism. Relevance. Dreaming.
Stewardship. Intuition. Mysticism. Consciousness. Playfulness.
Meditation. Interconnection. LOVE. Reciprocity.

and travel for those who choose.

Annie Melzer, a MUSEA Anthropologist and staff for Origins calls to us to be an active agent for change.

These are her Words
and her Why

The Earth, all of creation including humanity, and the Earth’s resources are calling out for attention, care, connection, innovation, and a reimagining of culture and what it means to be a human on the landscape of the Earth in 2023 and beyond.

The disconnection from the inherent value of the Earth’s resources by force or by choice over time has led to traumatic experiences and an unlinking of human memory and imagination to the Earth that are fully healthy and essential components to authentic daily cross-cultural and inter-cultural human wellness, intentional creative living, sustainable innovation, and human connectivity with One Another and with the Earth.

Exploring and embodying your own human origins throughout time and into the present in a space where science and the spiritual meet the soma and the soul is an invitation to enter into brave space with the conscious choice to occupy your whole beingness with a creative agency. In doing this, you become the change for Yourself and for the Earth that you wish and know is not only important but essential for the thriving of biodiversity in human, plant, and animal life on this planet. 

ORIGINS is the calling to join and to be an active participant as Ancient-Futurists and Guardians who are breathing intentional life into contemporary, embodied, sovereign, and authentic daily lived experience. This is a reknitting of the knowledge, practices, and creative solutions informed by the ancient wisdom and creativity of humanity. With conscious attention and intention, the Cura Council of Ancient Futurists will revolutionize a path of practice that is grounded in soma and soul existence intentionally at cause for reclaiming our relationship with our own origins and our own story, enhancing access to healthy and intentional connections with others. We are pivoting toward an embodied mending of relationship and story inherently integrated and interwoven within the framework of successful, sustainable, and expansive potentiality for connection with our Mother Earth.

You can think of ORIGINS as a Mystery School for the Ancient and Futuristic Souls living and loving within each of us. We are willing for our next evolution into being through embodied learning, liberating self-expression, and activating our innate powers in co-creation with all of life.

Sonoma In-Person Gatherings

Amplify your Soul Space energy by adding in-person gatherings to your student experience. ORIGINS training offers four unique Sonoma Retreats to immerse yourself in these teachings.

MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity Workshop

What Students and Graduates of MUSEA Center of Intentional Creativity have to say!

"I really appreciate the organization and delivery of this course. Color of Woman has been very good for me. I’ve loved exploring the depths of my psyche, painting, healing, finding my voice, and reclaiming my power. I’ve loved being in communion with exciting women around the globe. This reinforced my sense of social justice and equanimity. Prior to my engagement with Intentional Creativity, I was lost to myself; a mere shadow of who I was and who I can be. This has been a healing journey for me. Sending much love and gratitude."

~ 2022/23 Color of Woman Student, Daria Cronic

"I am amazed, looking back now, at the magnitude of the work I feel I have done, we all have, in this program. I feel I have stumbled onto my truest passion, albeit at age 72! Color of Woman has given me an entirely new way of relating to myself and to the world, and much, much more than I can possibly say. Now I need to grow my wings. I just started reading more of the Vision Book and all the wisdom and insights I gained getting to know Caron and Eden McCloud. Lots of beautifully written and rendered gems of wisdom and inspiration. I can picture little Shiloh. Everyone on the team has been wonderful and supportive. I scrolled through some of my old posts and there was so much thoughtfulness, time, encouragement, and kindness that was given by the entire Team throughout my journey, all along the way. Thank you so much for all the love, guidance, and magic eyes. I would have never thought two years ago, after having seen much uncertainty with medical treatment, the state of the country and world, hand surgery, and COVID within those two years, that I had the best time of my life ahead of me. I feel incredibly fortunate and privileged to be here and part of this special community of divine goddesses."

~2022/23 Color of Woman Student, Susan Bessey

"The Color of Woman Training changed the direction of my life. I graduated in 2013 & have since taught up to 100 workshops for young girls & women in my local community, nationally & internationally with ongoing retreats in Greece & Bali. I have also plunged into my ultimate dream of pursuing a career as a professional contemporary Australian artist. Color of Woman taught me to take what lives in inside, outside. Forever grateful."

~ Intentional Creativity Teacher, Jassy Watson: Australia

"The construct I was living in before I started working with you + Johnathan and this amazing community was not as imaginative or fun or open to possibility. I had wondered "How did I get here" and "What am I doing in my life"? When I first found you, I was also reading the Four Agreements by Don Miguel and I was just learning that I can choose to change the agreements I have constructed, or in other words that I can break the spells that I have been brought up with. A year later, you have since taught me how to use the blank page as a clear field, an imaginary space, a blank slate, a fresh memory palace that I can populate using Intentional Creativity. Tools that I can continue to use as agreements and spells become known through my access to awareness. Seriously, like where else can you learn this stuff?!? Thank you for this inquiry and reflection."
~ Cassandra Lasson, Intentional Creativity Student

Water for My Creatures by Shiloh Sophia 2022

"The only way to enhance one's power in the world is by increasing one's integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion. FORCE always moves against something, whereas POWER doesn't move against anything at all. Because force has an insatiable appetite, it constantly consumes. Power, in contrast, energizes...and supports. Power gives life and energy—force takes these away. We notice that power is associated with compassion and makes us feel positively about ourselves. Force is associated with judgment and makes us feel poorly about ourselves. " ~ David Hawkins

Shiloh Sophia guide through movement, energywork, painting blind-folded and spoken word

This JOURNEY is an invitation to

Stardust and Saltwater Clan - A Story

Have you heard a story that is so ancient that it came all the way back to the beginning and was made new again? That is how old this story is.

There once was a young being who was born into a family. The child didn't feel like they belonged there and even looked different from their parents. Sometimes people whispered and wondered where the child had actually come from. They tried and tried to understand how they got there and wondered when something that felt more like belonging would come into their life. They were looking for something they didn't have an experience of but, somehow deep in their soul, they knew it existed. They were on a quest to find out who they were and where they had come from.

The only thing the child seemed to like in their life was when they caught their parents kissing and holding hands. But for some reason, as soon as the child would come into the room, they would stop. The child wanted so badly to ask the question, "Where do I come from and who am I and who are you? And why do you hide your affection from me?" But the child didn't ask, most children do not.

The thing is their parents didn't tell them who they were because they couldn't. They didn't know who they were either. The parents were ordinary people whose love for one another was as true as the ocean is salty and as starry as the canopy-draped heavens. The child was indeed their own but in all honesty - even to them, the child seemed strange. They tried to love their child as much as they could for that child had come out of their bodies in union. But something just felt like it was not right or maybe, it wasn't that it wasn't right, maybe it was right and just hadn't happened yet.

The child grew and grew and they carried this deep sadness inside of them. Finally, the day came when they would leave their parent's home and make their way into the world. As they hugged their parents goodbye, a tear came out of their eyes and the parents, startled, realized how rarely their child had ever cried, even when they were a baby.

The child was now a young human and was adventuring forth on their own. The first two weeks alone they felt a sense of exaltation and despair. They began to cry and to cry and to cry until the little house they were staying in was filled with water. They tried to stop crying but they couldn't stop and eventually, the water was up to their neck, and they were afraid. They called for help - they didn't know who they were calling out to but they did call for help.

When a person cries an ocean of tears there are many beings who may come to assist. The one who was passing by on this particular day was an old, old woman. She was riding her horse and saw the water spilling out of the door and into the street and knew immediately that it was one of her Children of the Salt. She followed the water all the way to the door and opened it, and out the young being flew with the flood of tears and was thrown onto the horse! The young human was so very tired and frankly dehydrated, that they all but collapsed onto the back of Stardust Grandmother's horse. The old woman held them and they were off! Up and up they went into the stars.

They were rounding the bend in the Milky Way when the young human woke up and, at first, was afraid and when they smelled Grandmother Stardust's hair, they relaxed in their whole body. She smelled like jasmine after a rain, or was it lavender? Something so beautiful it made them want to cry again but there were no more tears left. At that, they began to smile; a real true smile emerged on their lips and even though they were riding behind Grandmother Stardust, they could feel that they were a part of everything that ever was and will be.

That is how the young human learned that they were part of the Stardust Saltwater Clan. Some of them were sent to Earth to bring missing pages from the Book of Life back from the Cosmos. The thing is, many people of the clan don't realize that they are the Messengers charged with bringing the missing pages to Earth because they weren't taught who they are and how they work as human beings. And so they began studying in the Mystery School with Grandmother Stardust and all the other misfits who had also not accessed their own identity and voice, and therefore, could not receive the missing pages that were intended to come through them.

The teachings were as vast as the cosmos and as deep as the sea. They loved what they were learning: what it means to be in a human body and they wanted everyone to know it. They were so filled with passion that one day they began to speak out loud about how they felt and they even began to add to the teachings. Well, that is how Grandmother Stardust knows you are ready to go back to Earth. You have done the work to become a Messenger. Some beings become Messengers from learning and experiences or from amazingly-enlightened parents but some just miss the teachings altogether and so feel a great sense of loss. And sometimes, Grandmother Stardust will come along and scoop you up and help you remember that you are on a sacred assignment. You just need to have a heartfelt longing and ask for help or you could miss purpose entirely.


I am ready to take the next step - take me to the application


For 30 years, Curate Shiloh Sophia McCloud has been devoted to nurturing the emergence of a conscious community through self-expression. She has; published 8 books, taught her curriculum at 3 universities, spoken at the United Nations for 8 years, financed over 7 galleries centering on women’s art, and has provided millions of dollars worth of jobs for women around the world in the arts. While Shiloh is an artist, storyteller, and teacher, she is also a futurist who has founded one of the world’s largest global art movements serving tens of thousands of students per month called Musea Center for Intentional Creativity®. She teaches a ‘path of practice’ in the arts, and offers ceremonies throughout the wheel of the year for people to repair their relationship with creativity, the earth, and themselves. Shiloh is a prolific painter with many sold-out shows and still paints weekly for both her own exploration and on camera for her global audience. 

She lives in Sonoma, California with her husband Jonathan, and their two kitties Frida and Diego. The couple has a gallery on the Sonoma Plaza as well as a campus featuring a classroom, film studio, kitchens, vineyard, and art studios. Based on ten years of research in art, education, and leadership the McClouds opened a private university featuring an independent degree in the field of Intentional Creativity called a Curate. There are over 800 graduates from their certification courses and the graduates, called the Guild, form the staff for Musea Center: Museum, University, Sanctuary, Ecosystem, and Atelier.  At Musea Center, love is at the Center! 

Guest Teachings

Dr. Semerit Strachan


Andrew Johnstone


Annie Melzer


Syliva Becker-Hill

Matriarchal Studies

STEWARD Creation and be STEWARDED by Creation

"If we can stay with the tension of
opposites long enough—sustain it,
be true to it—we can sometimes
become vessels within which the
divine opposites come together and
give birth to a new reality.”

Marie-Louise von Franz